LUMBERTON TRADING CO.                   P.O.Box  224
*********************                   Brighton  BN1 1TE

                                2013    ul. Chocimska  13/11
                                        30-057 KRAKOW

                                2014    ul. Krolowej Jadwigi 133/5
                                        30-212 KRAKOW

                                2018    ul. Wilenska 5/70
                                        31-413 Krakow


Start  : 2004
Owner  : Hassni Malik & Richard Johnson
Distr. : PL -
         UK - Cargo/Norman/
         CA - Scratch
         US -
Style  : psychadelia / post punk / electronic / prog / avantgarde / experimental /
         abstract / ambient / soundtracks / dark ambient / drone / metal / modern
         classical / field rec. / free jazz / avant jazz / 

                Worn To A Shadow //// Delian Lament / Blue Loop / Off
                The Deep End
LUMB    002     THIGHPAULSANDRA         CHAMBER MUSIC                   LP.CD   04.2006
                Cast In Dead Homes / A Blizzard Of Altars / Bleeding
                Text For The Cripplethrush / The Unwilling Wardens Of
LUMB    003     THEME                   OUR ANGELS DISLOCTAED           CD      04.2006
                Jisatsu / Repeat To Fade / A Few Words Failed / East Of
                Now / Our Angels Orbit Future Planes
LUMB    004     MICHAEL GIRA            SONGS FOR A DOG                 LP      11.2006
                                                                        CD      12.2011

                Promise Of Water / Lena's Song / Destroyer / Rose Of
                Los Angeles / God Damn The Sun //// God's Servant /
                Purple Creek / Lines / Waiting Beside Viragio / Mean
                Monster Mike
                (Note : LP , 2000 copies)
LUMB    005     VOLGA                   POMOL                           CD      05.2007

Reapers / Corn / Pomol / Sonnaja (Sleeping Or Dream Song) / Kozel (Goat) / Detinushka
(Lover) / Svaha / Tausen (Fall-Autumn) / Volga Mother / Rubaha (Shirt) / Kruchu
(Rolling Up) / Ropes / Sufi
LUMB    006 B   NICK MOTT : Almost Entirely Of nerves And Blood         7"      07.2012
                (Note : 7" , 1-sided , 150 copies)
LUMB    007     FORMICATION             ICONS FOR A NEW RELIGION        CD      06.2007
                Arise & Originate / (This Is Madness) / Nest 4 (A New
                City) / In The Kingdom Of The Electronic Eye / Dead
                Underground / The Sufferers / Caesura / The Void /
                Minute / Faces Of Fire (The Frictionless Continuum) /
                Faces Of Fire (Introspection)
LUMB    008     FAUST                   OD SERDCA DO DUSZY              2CD     11.2007

 Disc One
CD 1    1       Sex
        2       The Asshole (a.k.a.: A Bit of a Pain)
        3       We Are Not Here....
        4       ....And This Is Not Music
        5       Salauds, Salades
        6       Fast Head (a.k.a.: The Sad Skinhead)
        7       Our Soul to Your Ears
        8       Ist rund schoen?
        9       Le chat et le tigre
CD 2    1       Impro: Kraków I
        2       Impro: Kraków II
        3       Rainy Day Sunshine Girl
        4       Schempal Buddha
                (Note : live in Loch Ness Club , Krakow , PL ; 15.11.06)
LUMB    009 CD  SION ORGON              THE ZSIGMONDY EXPERIENCE        CD        .2008
                [Recorded at Ambi Studios and Golliwog Farm in Wales,

        1       Evo-Devo                                        8:46
        2       I'm In Black Out                                5:07
        3       Paper Wings                                     12:35
        4       Voices From The Meme Machine                    5:33
        5       Skins On The Sky                                5:34
        6       Some Bitch Stole My Umbrella                    7:13
        7       The Fruit Fly                                   0:44
        8       Window On The World                             8:42
        9       Brazen Strange Fish                             0:45
LUMB    010     ANDREW LILES            AUTO MANIPULATOR                LP      05.2008

A1      Auto Manipulator - 1st Degree (The Science Of Self
        Pollution)                                              2:16
A2      Not Backwards About Coming Forwards                     2:55
A3      Auto Manipulator - 2nd Degree (Unfurling The Felt Tip)  3:24
A4      Coming Forwards About Being Backwards                   2:30
A5      Auto Manipulator - 3rd Degree (The Bitter Aftertaste)   3:43
A6      Not Forward About Coming Backwards                      3:24
B1      Auto Manipulator - 4th Degree (A Lesson To Be Learnt)   3:31
B2      About Coming Forwards Not Backwards                     2:23
B3      Auto Manipulator - 5th Degree (Brown Expulsion)         2:12
B4      Backwards About Not Coming Forwards                     1:52
B5      Auto Manipulator - 6th Degree (Female Adaptation)       2:21
B6      Not About Forward Coming Backwards                      2:09
B7      Auto Manipulator - 7th Degree (A Gorgeous Looking Girl) 1:23
B8      Auto Manipulator - 8th Degree (Plug In Set)             1:41
B9      Soft Focus                                              1:40
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)

        1       Invocation                                      1:36
        2       In Absentia                                     4:45
        3       Gloaming                                        2:31
        4       Internal Moment                                 4:04
        5       Silver Coin                                     4:47
        6       Portrait of God With Broken Toys                6:32
        7       Chaplins of Ms. Selfridge                       3:04
        8       Examination                                     4:37
        9       Dalkeith Night                                  6:03
        10      Freeview                                        3:52
        11      Mouth Replaced, Tears Removed                   6:10
        12      Midnight at the Blighted Star                   3:37
        13      Pig in the Moon                                 3:59
        14      Sleeping in Stations                            2:12
        15      The Graces Departing                            3:43
LUMB    012     V / A : AUTUMN BLOOD (CONSTRUCTIONS)                    CD      09.2009

1       Lawrence English - Inside From Above                            5:27
2       Peter Christopherson - All Possible Numbers                     5:45
3       Birds Build Nests Underground - St. Wave                        7:21
4       Steven Severin - Sleepercell                                    4:10
5       [Volga] - Raining                                               5:37
6       Theme - Nothing Here                                            5:57
7       Andrew Liles - It's Been So Long I'm Fucked If I Know           4:30
8       Zenial / Banabila - Factories From the Sky                      7:07
9       Formication - Solus Air and the Dream of the Heart Star         5:39
10      Siôn Orgon - Reverse Engineer                                   7:44
11      Human Greed with LeeDVD - Moonsuite IV: Dalkeith's Next Top     4:13
12      Colin Potter - Never Underestimate The Power of Nothing         5:51 
LUMB    013     STEVEN SEVERIN          SLEEPERCELL                     CDEP    10.2010

        1.      Sleepercell                                     4:16
        2.      Sleepercell Awakes                              4:23
        3       Countercode                                     11:47
                (Note : CD , 500 copies + signed and numb. insert)
LUMB    014
LUMB    015     HANNIS BROWN            SEVERE INSOMNIA                 CD      01.2011

        1       Junk Manipulated                                3:13
        2       Dismemberment                                   9:46
        3       Furies                                          3:16
        4       Alice's Attic                                   4:03
        5       Final Arguments With Maximillian                7:09
        6       Asymmetric                                      6:36
        7       Severe Insomnia                                 5:03
        8       Face Down At Twilight                           12:09
        9       Bulgakov                                        6:39
        10      Stage 3                                         3:26
        11      Imitating Chicago (Underground)                 6:32
LUMB    016     GLASS OUT : NEVER FORCE A LEFT HANDED CHILD TO USE      12"     08.2011
                THEIR RIGHT HAND

        A1      Manifesto                                       4:58
        A2      Wild Strawberries                               6:31
        B       Never Force A Left Handed Child To Use Their
                Right Hand                                      15:01
                (Note : 12"/33.3 RPM , 300 hand-numb. copies)

        A       Nanook mit Uentshukumishiteu
        B       A Wolf in Wolf's Clothing
                (Note : LP , 400 copies)
LUMB    018 12  THEME & JEAN-HERVE PERON & ZSOLT SORES : POISON IS      LP      12.2012
                (NOT) THE WORD

        A1      Poison Is (Not) the Word
        B1      Baszd Meg Az Apad!
        B2      Puszta Psycho
                (Note : LP , 400 copies)
LUMB    019     BIRDS BUILD NESTS UNDERGROUND : SO AS                   CD      06.2012

        1       Sintordin
        2       Ossifying Tongues
        3       Axe Loop
        4       Smoking Sun
        5       Live 2011 (Video)
                (Note : CD , 300 copies packaged in a 4-panel digipak)
LUMB    020     ACID COBRA              PETRIFIED MINDS                 CD      12.2012

Iiiyadescowboys! / Two Freaks / Dusseldorf / Donkeys / The Court Of Miracles /
Mattinata / Les Espirits / San Lorenzo / Space Trip / I Had A Dream / Texan Sunset /
101 / Calendos Diablos
                MAC DIARMADA : LANDSLIDE

        A.      Landslide . A Shining Ache . Holy Ground (A Short Instr. Mix)
        B.      Beneath White Sheets / Not The Night
                (Note : 12" , 250 copies + 5 test pressings)
LUMB    022     BANABILA & MACHINEFABRIEK : TRAVELOG                    CD      09.2013

Spin 'N Puke / Narita / Antennas / Rain painting / Yarra / Dinsdag / Runner / Debris /

CD      Tapu            TRBOP 21        2013    NE
LUMBCD  023     SION ORGON              RECOGNITION JOURNAL             CD      09.2015
LUMBCD  023     SION ORGON              RECOGNITION JOURNAL             6FLAC   09.2015

        1       The Black Spider Of The Garden                  9:28
        2       Pools Of Tigers                                 5:49
        3       Erasing Deep Set Habits                         11:12
        4       Locking Horns                                   6:04
        5       Recognition Journal                             3:20
        6       Chain Spine Chine                               9:00
                (Note : CD , digipak, 300 copies)
LUMB    024     NICK MOTT : HERE BEGINS THE GREAT DESTROYER             CD      03.2015

        1/      The Visitor
        2/      The Host
        3/      The Living Room
        4/      Distorted Grace
        5/      Gates Of The Destroyer
        6/      The Poisoned
        7/      The Burning
        8/      The Early Investigators
        9/      664-668
        10/     The First True Animals
LUMB    025     NICK MOTT               THE HOLE WORLD                  CDR     10.2017

        1.      In His Hands
        2.      Raw Meat Of Wife And Mother
        3.      The Kitchen High

(Note : 10"/33.3 RPM , art print/lathe-cut and CDr package. 25 copies only)
LUMB    026     JACEK STANISZEWSKI      ZAWSTYDZJACY DAR                CD      07.2016

        1.      Pengr
        2.      Toglos
        3.      Boigbee
        4.      Zefx
        5.      Shquip 0-4
                (Note : CD , 300 copies)
LUMB    027

        01.     Eugene S. Robinson & Philippe Petit : Augur
        02.     Eugene S. Robinson & Philippe Petit : Further Father Alt
        03.     Eugene S. Robinson & Philippe Petit : Remember Me, You Three
        04.     Eugene S. Robinson & Philippe Petit : Snake
        05.     Eugene S. Robinson & Philippe Petit : The Restored

Chapel In The Pines is the latest set of collaborative work by Oxbow front man Eugene
Robinson and master of sonic architecture, Philippe Petit, featuring Percy Howard on
additional vocals. The five pieces here are built around brooding spoken word
accompanied by a range of electronics, guitars, percussion, piano and metallic sounds
molded into suitable backdrops. Anybody familiar with the previous collaborative
albums-The Crying of Lot 69 (2011) and Last of the Dead Hot Lovers (2012)-will be
able to grasp the sometimes-ravaged nature at work here. Utterly commanding, Chapel
In The Pines ebbs into a space where the literary meets contemporary abstract sound
in absolute harmony. Includes booklet of Eugene's words. Mixed and mastered by Petit.
LUMB    029     SION ORGON              DUST                            LP      12.2021
                (Note : LP , 300 copies)
LUMBCDR 001     THEME                   NO EMOTIONS CATERED FOR         CDR     12.2012

        1       Another Context Revealed
        2       Dream Your Dreams
                (Note : CDr , 50 hand-numb. copies)